Thursday, March 26, 2009

How can I get a talent agent to represent me in LA?

I%26#039;m a struggling actress and I%26#039;ve been submitting my headshot and resumes as well as my cover letters to various (and legit) talent agencies in Hollywood and LA, and I havent been getting any replies what so ever. I%26#039;ve attended many casting workshops, showcases, acting classes....and still no luck. I will never give up because I%26#039;m extremely dedicated, determind, persistant, and I have perseverance for what is to come. Acting in mainstream entertainment film industry is my dream, but it is a long process and it is a little frustrating with no luck. If anyone has any connections, any more advice to offer, or would be willing to help me out in anyway possible, it would be greatly and beyond appreciated. Thank You.
How can I get a talent agent to represent me in LA?
I%26#039;m with you too so your not the only one. I%26#039;m having the same problem. But remember that a lot of agencies get many many many candidates for this industry all the time. It might take a few weeks to a month to get a call or letter. My friend had the same problem so she just keep sending in her stuff to the same people with a couple of different agencies and she finally got a call now she has many wanting her. That whats she telling me to do and I hope it works. Also make sure that they represent what you want to get into. Some only does theater or some do all. Also if you do get a call from one and then you audition for a role and land it make sure you have a permit in the industry flied you can get one at Also just don%26#039;t send your stuff to them sign up on there website if you can. I live in Texas and I almost sent my stuff to one where I live but found out they only do ages 5-15 and I just trued 16 so that was a downer. But keep your head up high. What you want will happen if you want it bad enough like you say you do.
How can I get a talent agent to represent me in LA?
Same principle as with all casting Agencies, perseverence is the key.

But you also need to lead in from the ground up. Remember, casting agencies get hundreds and thousands of applications, its fairly certain you could wait 6 months to a year to hear back from them, and thats IF you have something that interests them. Then you also need to consider the very real possibility that a lot of these agencies will not read through every single applicant. They will look to see if a name is recognizable, and process from there, or add the name to a database and keep track of you from there.

To enhance your chances, move to US and register with any legit agency, and take all the work you can get. Theatre, Adverts. For the main agencies anywhere to sign you, you need to get noticed, but to be noticed you need to be there and be seen. It%26#039;s going to be a long hard struggle, so never give up. Move to US and work whatever legit work you can find. Every 6 months send out your resume and keep doing your best and learning your craft.
Reply:Same thing with me, There are millions of people like us. But I have it worst... I dont live in LA. I live in CHICAGO with like only 1 or 2 legit agencies that actually can help you.
Reply:u may study him properly
Reply:Ugh I know exactly what you mean :D I%26#039;ve been submitting pictures too L.A. aswell.

Does anybody know any funny or serious plays that only require two actors?

It would be done by two 19 year olds and preferably a 2 act show, thanks!
Does anybody know any funny or serious plays that only require two actors?
Any plays can be done by 2 people.

A great one to choose would be %26#039;Talking Heads%26#039; by Alan Bennet, a comedy.

I did one of the scenes, based in a group therapy session, as a monologue, acting all the roles, simply by identifying each individual character with their own distinct voice and a hat/wig.

This could easily be done with 2 people, considering I did it alone.

My friend and I also worked a 2 man show of A Christmas Carol.

Really you could do any play you want, just sit down and tweak it to your needs. Pick a play you both enjoy and run with it.

Your only other choice really is Waiting for Godot, but it can be tough to pull off as its a quite intellectual comedy play.
Does anybody know any funny or serious plays that only require two actors?
Jekyll and Hyde::

The book begins with two men, Mr. Utterson and his cousin Mr. Richard Enfield, on a walk in London. Although the two men are initially silent, after passing a mysterious cellar door in a basement, Mr. Enfield launches into a strange occurrence that centered around the door. Late one night, while he was on his way home, he chanced upon a deformed, short man who trampled a girl in the street who was on her way to get a doctor. The girl%26#039;s family and Mr. Enfield catch the mysterious man and instead of getting the police, they decide to blackmail him and force him to give the girl%26#039;s family money. Agreeable, the mysterious man disappears into the same cellar door and comes out with a check bearing not his own name, but that of the respectable Dr. Jekyll. Surprisingly, the check was not a forgery.

After hearing the story, Utterson returns to his home where he removes Dr. Jekyll%26#039;s mysterious will, which he recently filed with Mr. Utterson. Jekyll%26#039;s will stated that in case of his death, his substantial estate will pass to Mr. Hyde, but even stranger, in case of his disappearance for more than three months, Hyde will assume Jekyll%26#039;s life without delay. He also realizes that the mysterious door is connected, in an L shape way, to Jekyll%26#039;s home. Utterson decides that Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde and seeks to search to see his face in order to understand why. After tracking him down, he is initially civil but turns angry when Utterson proceeds in the conversation.

One year later, Hyde murders Sir Danvers Carew with a cane. With help from Utterson, the police find Hyde%26#039;s apartment ransacked. After leaving, Utterson proceeds to Jekyll%26#039;s and confronts him for harboring a murder. Jekyll claims that he is done with Hyde and promises that he has nothing left to do with him. He does, however, have a farewell note from Hyde. Utterson examines the note and his clerk, Mr. Guest, later discovers that the handwriting from the note matches a dinner invitation written by Dr. Jekyll. Angrily, Utterson assumes that Jekyll has forged a letter for a murderer.

More time passes, and we learn that although Hyde has not been located, Dr. Jekyll becomes more and more social until one day Utterson attended a dinner party at Jekyll%26#039;s where Lanyon was present. Shortly there after, Jekyll secluded himself and Dr. Lanyon fell ill and died. After his death, Dr. Lanyon left Jekyll a letter than instructed him not to read it for ten years. After these mysterious events, Enfield and Utterson again walk by the mysterious door. Through one of the windows, they witness Jekyll having a frightening seizure through the windows of the cellar.

About a week later, Poole, Jekyll%26#039;s butler, approaches Utterson, who is afraid because Jekyll has locked himself in the basement and the only things that hear is strange sounds, including crying. The only communication that has come is letters desperately asking for a specific type of salt. Utterson follows Poole to Jekyll%26#039;s house and breaks down a red cabinet where the body of Hyde is found. In the laboratory, the two discover a large envelope addressed to Mr. Utterson. Inside, Jekyll urges Utterson to read the package from Lanyon and if he wished to know more, read the further description that Jekyll provided within the envelope.

Lanyon%26#039;s narrative begins by describing a strange letter he received from Henry Jekyll, the night after a dinner party at Jekyll%26#039;s residence. The letter urges Lanyon to go to Jekyll%26#039;s house and get the contents of a drawer in the laboratory. Afterwards, a strange caller will come to Lanyon%26#039;s house in Jekyll%26#039;s name and recover these same items, powder, a phial, and a paper book. Lanyon does as much, thinking that Jekyll is crazy, and Mr. Hyde appears at the subscribed time. He gives Hyde the ingredients; Hyde mixes them into a potion, and after drinking it transforms into Dr. Jekyll. This shock, the pure evilness of the situation, was what brought about Lanyon%26#039;s subsequent death.

After reading the account of Dr. Lanyon, Utterson then reads Jekyll%26#039;s own account of his failed experiment. Jekyll believed that the soul is made up of two separate distinctions: evil and the good. These two separate beings live in continuous and inherent conflict with each other. Slowly, Jekyll begins an experiment where he makes two potions and transforms himself into Edward Hyde. Shortly after becoming Hyde, he drinks a second potion and once again becomes Henry Jekyll. This experiment begins Jekyll%26#039;s exploration of his other self, a side that he freely explores and feels no remorse for the negative and evil actions of Mr. Hyde.

For some months, this behavior continued until one moment, %26quot;I had gone to bed Henry Jekyll, I had awakened Edward Hyde.%26quot; Alerted that the character of Hyde might irrevocably stay, Jekyll chose to give up the freedom of Hyde and for two months his decision held weight. Unfortunately, he was tortured with Hyde%26#039;s longing and he once again took the potion and brutally murdered Carew. Because of the manhunt for Hyde, he swore this character off forever and set out to try to remedy the evil.

This, however, failed because Hyde was an irrevocable part of Jekyll%26#039;s character. One night, while contemplating the deeds of Hyde, Jekyll was once again transformed into Edward Hyde. Realizing that he could not return to his house, he sent the letter to Dr. Lanyon and Mr. Poole and went immediately to a hotel. He went home once again but every time he would fall asleep, he would revert to Mr. Hyde. Soon, his potions began to fail to work and he ran out of the salt needed for the potion. Hyde launches a desperate search across London for this potion, but was unsuccessful. In the end, Hyde kills himself and therefore lets both Jekyll and Hyde free.
Reply:I beleive this is a one act but its hilarious! and perfect for your age group

its called The Universal Language by david Ives and this whole play this woman comes into a place to learn the language of una munda, and shes conviced it stopped her stuttering, but the whole thing is actually a scam and at the end they decide to work together, its kind of hard to explain you just kinda have to read it oh and the male has verry wacky lines like

%26quot;abosloopdi doop%26quot; meaning absolutley


%26quot;yabba dabba%26quot; meaning I understand
Reply:An Awesome one is %26quot;THE WOMAN IN BLACK%26quot; A Gothic play-within-a-play ghost story from the pen of Susan Hill. In it, Mr. Kipps has written a script about his paranormal encounters in the English countryside. He gives the play to an actor and together the two perform the tale. Kipps hopes that doing so will help him purge his memories of the events.It%26#039;s a flesh-creeping journey to eerie marshlands, amid moaning winds and silence-shattering screams...a ghost ride that will keep you jumping with fear

If you guys are very good at comedy %26quot;A GREATER TUNA%26quot; its two guys but each play like a dozen roles each.

Kiss of the Spider Woman is a great play by Maunuel Puig will tell you one of the charactes is gay but if your mature enough you can do it.

The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

I would also go to the Samuel French website and look up the plays they own which are thosands and I believe you can type in full length play 2 men and they will give u a list with discription the only Samuel French stores in the US are in LA or NYC but been to the one in LA on Sunset give them a call they are very nice and can help you out and will mail whatever scripts that look interesting to you.
Reply:Educating Rita


serious. and funny! great characters to get your heads around.
Reply:You could look at Gangster Apparel by Richard Vetere. Here is a synopsis:

Cast: 2m. %26quot;A madcap spoof of gangster movies.%26quot; (N.Y. Times) Smalltime hoods Louie and Joey are about to go out on the hit of a lifetime. But Louie tells Joey that clothes make the man and his lack of style is holding back their careers. To Louie, style is everything: the suits you wear, your haircut, the way you hold your gun. Dressed to perfection, they go out on the hit- a big success, except that they are identified by an eyewitness who remembers Joey%26#039;s snazzy yellow pocket handkerchief! Locked in a cell, Louie decides that they%26#039;re not going to spend 25 years to life in orange prison jumpsuits. Louie spills all to the feds about %26quot;the Boss%26quot; and gets himself and Joey into a witness protection program- unfortunately it%26#039;s in a remote section of Arizona where the fashion statement is jeans, plaid shirts and boots! Joey thrives there; Louie is miserable and, through an indiscreet phone call, leads the Boss%26#039; hit men to them. A play about friendship, betrayal and the battle of style over substance. %26quot;Offbeat charm and lots of laughs.%26quot; (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Three simple sets.

Our comapany did it a few years ago and it was well recieved.

For just general info check the online play catalogs, most of them have searches and you can tailor you search to get plays for whatever criteria you need. Here are a few for you:

Any great books out there on acting or modeling?

Does anyone know if there are any great worth reading book on acting or modeling or even how to get into the business of entertainment? I want something that will help adn isn%26#039;t really boring were it would make me want to fall asleep. If you know what the title is and where you can buy them at. Are there any books on this subject at wal-mart, target, borders or other book store. Please help me.
Any great books out there on acting or modeling?
Are many try searching on google

Acting Resume help?

I was wondering if anyone can help me on my resume i will list everything that might or is needed.

T**** Resume

Contact Information-

Home Phone:

Cell Phone(Mothers):


I%26#039;m seeking representation in Commerical,Episode, and Flim

Name: T******

DOB: **/**/****


Weight: 125

Eye Color:

Hair color/ style:

Clothing Size:JR




2008-Coke Zore Coke Fest- Extra-Commerical

2007.My Brother San is Dead- C. Parson-Theater

2004-Barbizon Modeling

2003-Mr. Roger and his neighborhood-Granny-Theater


Cheerleading Camps-6 years

Cheerleading Dance- 6 years

Cheerleading Squad-2 years

Basic of American Sign Language-4 years

Buliders Club-2 years

Girl Scouts-2 years

Bowling-1 year

Soccer-1 year

HOSA-Health Occupation Student of America-1 year

I heard and read that even the can see you charactics on your headshot that you should still list them.If anyone can help me please so.Thank so much for your time
Acting Resume help?
you need the union you or you agent is a part of but put it on and put none if you dont hae one same thing with agent
Acting Resume help?
You should separate film, theater, television, modeling, and commercials into 5 different groups. I don%26#039;t really think that Girl Scouts is really a skill, unless you mean it as you are really good with promoting things, such as girl scout cookies, which is really good for commercial advertising. And training comes after your experience on a resume. But since you have none, you can start taking acting classes somewhere close to you. But everything else looks good to me.
Reply:You may also be interested in setting up a profile on %26quot;Casted As%26quot; - a new networking site for actors - it is free and a neat way to self promote. The URL is:
Reply:Firstly, you never need to pay anyone. Most web sites that promise something for nothing are scams. is a foundation which promotes knowledge about the industry and tips on avoiding getting scammed. You can also try which has a lot of excellent tips.

Does musical notes have their own color?

I want every notes have color.

C D E F G A B 7 note...

Does musical notes have their global default colors?
Does musical notes have their own color?
no they don%26#039;t my friend who was learning the recorder when she was about 8 had colours but no every note comes in black some times black n white but thats timing p.s whats the last note about where does the 7 come from ?
Does musical notes have their own color?
em... no. When kids are like 8 years old and trying to learn the piano, they sometimes put numbers or colours on each key to help remember, but that%26#039;s all.

Music isn%26#039;t about colours, it%26#039;s about sound.

I don%26#039;t have a clue where the seven came from xD
Reply:no they dont have

Is acting a good job?

im 14 and for my whole life ive wanted to become an actress but when i was about 10 my mum said that there is no work(good pay jobs) so when ppl asked me what i wanted to do i would say dream or reality so my dream is to become an actress and reality is to fly in the R.A.F. so when i moved into my dads house i asked if i could go to this acting thing which teaches you on a saturday morning but then you get filming as well so 3 girlsd in my class do this and there always having a few days of school my dad said no as its too much money (拢192) a term but yesurday morning he had found this school where you drop all lessons ex maths english , science %26amp; ict i was really happy but then i hit will i get any work at the end of it cause i want to give my future kids anything they wish what shall i do ?
Is acting a good job?
Look at the stars and you will know
Is acting a good job?
It is best one, but u should hard work. many preperations are there. if u want to become an actress, then u should be lost manythings. But somebody told there is no work, but it is not true.
Reply:Acting is a good job. Do not drop everything else as you need something as a backup if the acting fails. If you are serious and want to appear on TV, I would recommend you get an agent. They take commission on your earnings and do NOT take an upfront payment. The acting world is cruel so you need to become accustomed to the word %26#039;no%26#039;. It may not be that you are not talented, but your face might not suit the part. Go to drama classes on a Saturday so you can keep up with your studies also.
Reply:can you act like it is,,,
Reply:Yes and no, totally depends on your expectations. I am a working actress. I love my job. But you should first decide if you want to be an %26quot;actress%26quot; or a %26quot;celebrity%26quot;. These are two different subjects. You can work as an actress at theatres, if you get lucky in movies. But noone can say if or even you%26#039;ll be famous. Besides, if you care about fame, you might end up at a strip club. (Because fame hunger and obsessions are very distracting).

You should also know acting is too much work and STRESS! People just see movie stars at premieres and when they party. All of them wake up around 4-5 AM to get to work. You can have scenes any time in the day. You may get sick to your stomach but you still have to be on stage if you have a show. It%26#039;s also a very stressful job. Even if you%26#039;re not famous and not stalkes by paparazzies, you%26#039;ll find yourself worrying about your performance everyday. You%26#039;re gonna work with your body. You need to stay healthy, pay extra attention on your sleeping hours, you may have to dye your hair to the color you hate, you may cut your hair off, gain weight, lose weight...etc etc And God forbid, if something happens to your body/voice, you%26#039;re gonna be unemployed.

Don%26#039;t give up on your dreams. But be realistic and always have a B plan. I strongly recommend you to get an education about something else as well.
Reply:If you are not extremely succesful then yoou will not get a lot of money but look at the famous succesful actresses and actors. getting millions a year
Reply:ya its very good job.

Does anyone prefer Dorothy GIsh to Lillian Gish?

If so, why? She generally seems to be in her sister%26#039;s shadow...
Does anyone prefer Dorothy GIsh to Lillian Gish?
Sadly, there are few films left with Dorothy%26#039;s performances in them to make any kind of accurate assessment of her talents,. The obvious one is %26quot;Orphans of the Storm%26quot;, where she and Lillian play sisters, but Dorothy having to play blind limits her role extensively. She does her part well, and is overshadowed by Lillian, but then, Mr. Griffith preferred (and coached) Lillian%26#039;s emoting style to fit his vision of her and the characters she played.

From the scant evidence, I%26#039;d have to say that ,ultimately, I prefer Lillian as an actress--her range and power were dynamic, when she turned them on, and her ability to convey nuance was just as good as could be---and when she finally left Griffith%26#039;s tutelage and went on stage and on to other films, she was hard to beat. My parents, who actually saw Miss Lillian play Lizzie Bordon in a stageplay, were electrified by her chilling interpretation---and her later filmwork, in films as varied as Island in the Sun, Night of the Hunter, The Whales of August and her comic turn in Sweet Liberty, showed her abilities remained vital even as a senior senior.

...But Dorothy was prettier...

Informal drama clases?

I want to remove stage fright, make new friends, and just have a bit of fun. Are there any such drama classes available in Singapore? =)
Informal drama clases?
sorry i let me visit singapore.

If i wish to be an actress could you tell me what i would need to do?

i am in one drama class, but people have been telling me you need lots of confidence, which i lack in and keep your head held high, not caring what other people thinks of you any sugestions?.
If i wish to be an actress could you tell me what i would need to do?
Do more classes and go to some auditions
If i wish to be an actress could you tell me what i would need to do?
out yourself out there, go for loads of auditions, it will seem daunting at first but the more you go to the less selfconcious you%26#039;ll get, practice makes perfect! apply to rada / sylvia young. do lots of improvisation classes.
Reply:good question but im not sure- sorry!


Reply:u may stay one night with Ur directer.

I want to movie to Hollywood to be an actor, any advise?

Right now I%26#039;m 15 and enrolled in acting classes/agency, I go on auditions when ever I can find them (I%26#039;ve been on two so far) but lving in Perth Australia I feel cut off from the entertainment industry. Apparently where I do acting classes they also submit you for auditions if they feel your right for the part but they havent provided any auditions ive got to find them on my own which is incredable hard. I want to move to LA when I leave school, but Im not sure what I will do when I actually reach LA and how can I book very cheap accomodation and get an agent, any advise would be awesome.
I want to movie to Hollywood to be an actor, any advise?
hey im an american ha ha im 13 and i am a rising actress.

heres a list

1. get some good headshots

2. videotape yourself in some sort of monologe that you are comfterble with and dont try to be somthing your not

3. send these to agencys near you! locate them on the internet

4. wait, this may be boring but hey if they call you back, you have a manager and can try out for real movies that your agent locates so you dont have to find auditions!

I hope this helps fellow actor E- mail me and if u liked this awnser plz put it as the top awnser!

good luck!
I want to movie to Hollywood to be an actor, any advise?
first u check Ur health.
Reply:Tell me how that turns out!! :]

What colleges should I check out if i want to be a music producer and a bass player.?

A Good Music College! You can also get lessons out of school to help with learning the bass!
What colleges should I check out if i want to be a music producer and a bass player.?
you should join in media management.

Acting Jobs?

acting is my life and i%26#039;m rather good at it.

i%26#039;m 15 (18/02/93), blonde (a goldish color), dark stormy eyes (thats how my teacher described them), and i have a bit of a chubby belly (but i%26#039;ve been watching what i%26#039;ve been eating and working out).

does anyone know where a girl like me could get any kind of a acting job.
Acting Jobs?
Try your local community theater. Finish school.
Acting Jobs?
start out small. go to your local community theater and do every show that you can and have time to do. make sure you still have time for school. check out your schools plays and musicals too. finish school and go on to major in something in showbiz. then eventually you can do it professionally wether in a movie, TV or on Broadway!

break a leg鈾?br>Reply:I agree, finish school. That is most important. We are a nation of quick fix and whatever is easy lets take it. Life is not easy, it just is not. So stay in school, look for a casting agent to help you with booking some work while in still in school. This is a very difficult business, but if your heart is in it, you should go for it. After school go to college and major in drama. Best of luck.
Reply:may your personalty may not good.
Reply:you have to start small to end big, go to your local community theater and do as many plays as you can (even behind stage is good experience) Be in drama at school and even do school plays. You want to build up your resume a lot before you start TV work. After you do some plays see if there are any acting agencies around you that have classes or workshops for beginning actors/actresses. Then get headshots (most actresses/actors have black and white, but i would get a few of black and white and color.) Then you might want to look into getting an agent there the best source of information for TV or professional theater auditions -- and never pay for anything. Start with doing commercials (most actors/actresses start that way) then you can do bigger things. Also a great thing to put on a resume are sports do you do sports can you sing, dance, taken lessons? Good Luck! :)

Classical plays?

Hi , I%26#039;m trying to find a classical play on the internet to perform but can%26#039;t seem to find any plays on the internet. Everytime I find something it appears as a story not as a play and not with the lines! I really need help with finding classical plays websites with the scripts and lines and good plays!
Classical plays?
search on google and type to play the classical.

How do I find a good and reputable casting agent?

U have to study him/her.

Calling all UK Theatre Studies Graduates!! What careers have you gone on to after Graduation?

I am currently enrolled on the BA (Hons) Theatre Studies at Rose Bruford College, and am studying via Distance Learning. I started the course because I LOVE the theatre and want to have a career change and make the move into the industry. I am interested in theatre administration %26amp; also training as a Theatrical Agent%26#039;s Assistant. I would be really interested to know what UK graduates have done with their Theatre Studies degree, and whether it makes any difference at all with getting a job in the theatrical industry. Thanks!
Calling all UK Theatre Studies Graduates!! What careers have you gone on to after Graduation?
Experience is the best thing in any job. Try not to waive your piece of paper around too proudly but use your prior knowledge wisely as you progress. Good luck.
Calling all UK Theatre Studies Graduates!! What careers have you gone on to after Graduation?
I gone at BBA.

Les Miserables musical?

Where can I watch for free the entire show, either Broadway or West End on the net?..
Les Miserables musical?
have u tried you tube?

or your local library?????????

they might have a copy
Les Miserables musical?
ya it is.
Reply:You shouldn%26#039;t be able to. Sorry, but any copy you find anywhere for free is pirated (read, %26quot;stolen%26quot;) and deprives wages from everyone involved in the musical. Plus, there%26#039;s nothing like going to the theate and witnessing an event like Les Mis in the company of others. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Every penny. Save your money and buy a ticket and don%26#039;t steal from actors, directors, composers, and musicians by rying to get stolen and inferior versions of their work
Reply:I do not believe it is even available by legally purchasing the DVD or download. All I can find is the concert version for the various anniversaries of Les Mis that they have at Royal Albert hall every 5 years. That is the DVD I own.

I agree -- don`t deprive composers playwrights and actors of their money by going for pirated anything.

Who is talent "computer" or "man"?


Silly boy.
Who is talent %26quot;computer%26quot; or %26quot;man%26quot;?
Definately man is talent ..coz we (man) makes the computer...then how could be the computer talent then man?

Best seats for the Apollo Theartre in London??

Im desperate to go and see wicked, unfortunatley i dont have much money so im trying to find quite cheap but resonably good tickets!

Now these tickets are 拢20 each and its row J seats 43 %26amp; 43

There is a map here

I was origanly gonna sit in teh circle but ive seen a show with that and didnt get a great view.. so if anyone has been to see wicked, could you tell me what you think of these seats.. or where you think would be a good place.

I%26#039;d like to be in the stalls, because i wanna get a good view of everything like when elphaba flies..

or i could get stalls row G seats 41 and 40..

There are quite a few options, but for the price im paying there obviously arnt gonna be great..

I think they%26#039;re all gonna be in the stalls, on one of the sides either left or right, so has anyone sat in these?

Will i see okay?

Many thanks for your answers :)
Best seats for the Apollo Theartre in London??
Your best bet is to figure out which of those stall seats would be the closest to center, you%26#039;ll still be more to the left or right, but you%26#039;ll probably have the best view that way.

Have fun seeing Wicked!

What is it like to audition for Cirque du Soleil?

I want to participate in an open audition call for clowns. Have you ever auditioned for them? What is it like???

I need to memorize a part in the play a midsummers night dream. I lost my sheet so does anyone know the part??

Me and my partner are doing the part of puck and fairy. I am puck, and my partner is fairy. I believe it is act 2 scene 1. I start with: %26quot;how do spirit! Wither wander you? and then fairy says her speech then i say the king doth keep his revels here tonight...take heed the queen come not within his sight.

Also, does anyone have any memorizing strategies for me?
I need to memorize a part in the play a midsummers night dream. I lost my sheet so does anyone know the part??
I would advise you to obtain another copy from it%26#039;s original source. Whilst it is all shakespeare the wording can vary slightly from printing company to printing company.

As for memorising your lines - practice, practice, practice!Read and re-read, it will eventually become second nature to you. Start with a paragraph if you like, then once you have it memorised go on to the second and so on until you can say it aloud start to finish. Once you are confident that you know it, give your lines to a friend so she/he can follow on whilst you say your lines aloud. This way your friend can make notes and let you know if you are skipping over lines, words or saying things incorrectly.
I need to memorize a part in the play a midsummers night dream. I lost my sheet so does anyone know the part??
Go to this website: Search for Shakespeare and look up A Midsummer Night%26#039;s Dream. You%26#039;ll find it there.

Has the cd for the stage adaption of High School Musical been released?

...? thanks!

Is there a website for actress or actors to post that they are looking for work?

one that does charge a monthly fee
Is there a website for actress or actors to post that they are looking for work?
Is there a website for actress or actors to post that they are looking for work?
A new community actors site just launched that offers a great new way to self-promote for FREE.

The URL is:

This is a BRAND new site that gives casting agencies a chance to not only read about an inspiring actor - but also to see the actor and hear the actor as you can upload your videos, sound clips, photos, and more.

Where can I find auditions?

I am really talented and determined. It%26#039;s kind of like I know I %26#039;m going to get there I just have to get there. I%26#039;ve been looking on craigslist, bacstage, backpage, casting dept., freecasting calls and more. and I havn%26#039;t gotten much. I%26#039;m going to an audition next week i found on craigslist but I NEED MORE! I want to get as many things in my almost non-existing resume as I can. I %26#039;m getting pictures taken for my file but I don%26#039;t know what else to do. I%26#039;m just 14 years old. I want this so bad though, I don%26#039;t want to give up but I feel like I%26#039;m in over my head. Staying on the computer for hours on hours hounding for auditions. I really need help, advice, anything (even though I already know the basics like, don%26#039;t contact agencies till you are ready, take some calsses-which I have yet to do, have a head shot and full body shot, have a good resume, don%26#039;t pay up-front legit angencies take about 15% of your paycheck) Please if you have anything on auditions in houston, please TELL ME
Where can I find auditions?

You%26#039;re just like me, I love acting also! I don%26#039;t live in houston but here%26#039;s a cool place I found while I was on the web I%26#039;m pretty sure u have to pay but you could get that just for experience. Another thing also is maybe go and ask them about community theatres! Because those are amazing to work in! So try to find someone who does theatre (maybe at that place) and ask them about community theatre!


Where can I find auditions?
Check out Variety magazine. Also, the best way to find auditions is through networking. Get involved with your local community theater. You may not be acting at first, but it will be a great way to make contacts.
Reply:well, You can search on the Internet on sites like auditions in Or if you have a community center you can ask if there is any classes you can sing up for and if there is go for it, but ask your parents first. I know you can do it cause belief in you!!

Where can i get a copy of he bbc last night of the proms,second half?

why would you even want it
Where can i get a copy of he bbc last night of the proms,second half?
Im Not Sure %26quot;Butch Cass%26quot;

Perhaps They Were In The Proms.

People Like Them Have Talent...

Unlike Someone Like You Who Believes They Are Better Than Other People, When Really Their Intellectual Standard Is No More Than The One They Were Born With.

No, I Don%26#039;t Know, Sorry.

Try Looking It Up On Amazon.

Or Contact The Royal Albert Hall; Sometimes They Sell Videos Of Performances.

Well Done If You Managed To Get In, Our Orchestra Got Through To The Finals, But Didn%26#039;t Get Any Further.

Where can i get a copy of he bbc last night of the proms,second half?
Try which is where I catch up with Heroes, which is on the BBC but not available on iplayer (and iplayer only has stuff for a week). I notice it has a Proms category on the Music tab, but it doesn%26#039;t seem to load anything. Keep checking back, or use the community page.

Or you can try one of these YouTube vids

Analyze how and why "Romeo and Juliet" and "Run Lola Run" deconstruct the knightly stereotype.

Try to use quotes from R and J

Does anyone know were they sell ventriloquist dolls cheap?

im making a movie on youtube and i need ventriloquist dolls
Does anyone know were they sell ventriloquist dolls cheap?
Ahh, sounds a bit creepy but try garage sales. My friend got a really creepy one there and it was in perfect condition...
Does anyone know were they sell ventriloquist dolls cheap?
Frankel%26#039;s Costume in Houston, Texas, may have just what you need,
Reply:They don%26#039;t really have ventriloquist dolls, but they have ventriloquist puppets (or even dummies)

If you%26#039;re looking for a cheap one, the cheapest place (aside from ebay) is They run about $40 on up and are made of plastic.

You can find quite a few cheap ones on ebay from time to time as well.


Blood Brothers the play?! help?

Can anyone please tell me all the lines for Edward/Eddie on page 33 -34 only

Tough cookie i know but i forgot to bring the book home with me and my coursework needs to be in soon...someone please help x

Acting Agent?

how do you go about getting an acting agent for an under 16 year old?

also how can you tell whether that particular agen is worth having?
Acting Agent?
ive been asking the same thing. you cant really find a %26quot;perfect agent%26quot; that is worth having, because when you get an agent you have to form a bond with him or her to get better aquainted. with that said, if you have headshots and a resume with any sort of acting experience, staple those together and find out agents in your area (look for books for agents) and send your things out to them. hopefully you get your shot, thats what im doing.
Acting Agent?
Your parents have to get one for you. they should follow the advice in Acting as a Business by Brian O%26#039;Neil.

The better agents are SAG or AEA franchised. They will advertise this or you can ask them.

Who knows of any auditions that a girl at the age of 13 can find to be a singer!?

or any disney audtions?
Who knows of any auditions that a girl at the age of 13 can find to be a singer!?
Go to radio disneys web site and look for auditions in the search icon. they are for 12 to 14 yr olds. I auditioned and they are really good!

What can I do to get over my stage fright?

Me and my friend were making up a dance to a song. We practice a lot and feel like we should show our school on stage. We really have stage fright and we have no idea on what to do about it. Can you please help me?
What can I do to get over my stage fright?
Breathe! lol dont think about what you are doing. Just pretend you are practicing at home. whenever i do preformance i do that and it works!
What can I do to get over my stage fright?
Get out of the box, me being an inspiring actress, it%26#039;s hard because I%26#039;m scared sometimes too, but you have to put yourself in a different perspective or have an alto ego and pretend to be a fearless different person while your on stage, trust me it works!!
Reply:i love to be on stage, but at the same time, i get really nervous. It%26#039;s best to just jump in the ring and have fun!! you%26#039;ll gain confidence from that experience, which will make it easier next time!!
Reply:Just believe in urself! There%26#039;s nuthin 2 b afraid of. . .I%26#039;m sure even the best performers get stage fright ^^
Reply:Here%26#039;s what you do, puts your eyes on the back of the wall (what ever wall is behind the audience) don%26#039;t look anywhere else (they%26#039;ll think your looking at them but your not) break a leg
Reply:umm. you can try and look at somewhere else other than the audience.. like.. look at their shoulders instead of their eyes and focus on that.. so it would seem like you are looking at them but you are not. or you can imagine that they are something funny.. like they are all fishes or something.. whatever that put you at ease.. hope this helps. it works on television :D
Reply:See if you can get access to the stage you%26#039;d be using before you actually do the show. That%26#039;ll give you a sort of taste of what it%26#039;ll be like, plus its good practice.

Then try it with some family members or friends in the audience so that you get used to people looking at you.

And last, see if you can use the lights available to you to your advantage. If lights are pointed at you correctly onstage, you shouldn%26#039;t be able to see the audience much anyways.

Break a leg!
Reply:It%26#039;s especially hard to perform in front of your peers. But, you just have to tell yourself that you%26#039;ve worked too hard to give up because of stage fright. Stage fright is the only thing standing between you and what you want - to dance on stage. Tell yourself that you are both worth it, and that in the scheme of things, it doesn%26#039;t really matter! Try to turn that nervous energy into excitement and focus! Good luck!

Theatrical divices to make Alice fall down the rabbit hole?

I need some theatrical divices that make Alice appear to be falling down the rabbit hole in %26quot;Alice in Wonderland%26quot;. The more abstract and creative the better!
Theatrical divices to make Alice fall down the rabbit hole?
I believe that was done once already, by the Master of illusionists! The man who wrote the book.
Theatrical divices to make Alice fall down the rabbit hole?
you could have a trap door on stage for her to fall in and then close the curtains for a lil %26#039;break%26#039; like they do on tvs for commercial breaks and then when it starts again, have like a black tunnel at the top of the stage and a camouflaged matress (painted green for the grass) for alice to land on when she comes out the tunnel!
Reply:Do you want to depict the events while she is falling, or just going from up to down?

For the %26quot;while falling,%26quot; get Alice onto a platform perhaps 7%26#039; from the ground. Run a narrow scrim behind her, with rear projection onto it of the passing scenery of the hole. Pull some items up past her on wires, for the items she plucks from the walls. Use a nice fan, if possible, for the wind of her falling.
Reply:You could have a blackout but just have the sounds of her falling down, or if possible, you could have a film on a screen of falling down a hole from her perspective while she%26#039;s still on the stage.

Hope I helped :-)
Reply:The way my school did it wasn%26#039;t very abstract or anything, but it worked.

We had that first part before she fell out on the apron with the curtain closed. We had the mirror on top of the fireplace (the mirror was really just a frame) then when Alice is looking for the white rabbit she had to climb on top of the fire place, and as she was reaching down for the paper she fell through the %26quot;mirror.%26quot; We had her fall on some padding so that it wouldn%26#039;t make a noise that time, then had her sneak behind the curtain (the fireplace in front of where she%26#039;d come in through so that no one would notice) then she%26#039;d go to center stage, sit down, make a loud sound with her hands on the stage so its like she fell right there, then opened the curtains.

Sorry, lots of explaining for a not-so-great illusion.
Reply:When Alice is on stage, have a brown- colored light shine onto the center of the stage. Once she steps into it, you can have stroble lights come on, which really adds a cool effect, and the audience will get that something wierd%26#039;s happening. Have the brown light expand and expand until it%26#039;s not just a small pool of light anymore, but takes up the whole stage. And Alice can be acting like she%26#039;s tumbling around, while really just running and spinning around on stage. The strobe lights will help that look more jerky and awkward.

Is Trauqe talent agency a scam?

Don%26#039;t think so. But they are quite exclusive, representing only 300 models.

Anyone have a REALLY GOOD quality recording of Wicked the Musical?

The thing is i REALLY want to go and see wicked, ive asked my mum and she says shell only go and see it if she likes the play. So i really do need a good quality recording of it that i can show her so we can go and see it. I know its illegal and everything but i have seen 2 recordings of wicked and its AMAZING but the qualitys a bit rubbish and sometimes the sounds a bit naff. Any good quality ones would be appreciated but the best would be

Eden Espinosa - 12/30/07

Or any Eden Espinosa ones :]

But as i said any will do :D

And pleaseee dont post loads of answers saying its illegal because i know. But if mum likes it theyll get money out of us anyway =) PLEASEE help me. thats what i mean by good quality.

Acting UK/USA is it possible.?

I totally love acting so much. I do wanna do school plays but they suck so bad. I Live in the UK and i need to build up like a extra or something, but i want to do stuff in america, ya%26#039;kno. And yes i know u have 2 start small first, But like nothing happens here, i mean i dont wanna get stuck on eastenders as my acting career but i need to do sumthing. I know a really good site which has disneychannel audtions atm, there gna bring in a new show, it starts production in september and they are still taking people on, they said by mail only, i have the adress should i go for it, and while im over there do a film or something?! x
Acting UK/USA is it possible.?
It seems to me that you care a bit more about being hired immediately to work in a TV show and less about developing a craft. That will get you nowhere; for one thing there are a million actors who are going to go for those roles that have experience and for another thing there are many of us here in the states competing for jobs. Its not as easy as you%26#039;re making it out to be.

I%26#039;ll agree that perhaps the school plays aren%26#039;t the greatest. That being said you live in the UK; there is a GRAND theater tradition there! Take advantage of it and LEARN YOUR CRAFT.

Then worry about being a movie star. You can do a lot worse than being on Eastenders. I could use a job and if they%26#039;re hiring, I%26#039;ll take it!